Kids love storytelling and so do adults because storytelling is the most fundamental and powerful tool in all communications. Are you sharing your unique experiences and perspectives when presenting your ideas, values, and leadership?

If not, it’s time to begin. Our brains value stories because they are the way we’ve shared information for virtually all of human history. We told stories because they are how we most easily remember everything. Storytelling were used to convey the most important and valuable information. The most effective communicators know this because of their successes.

A well-told story helps people understand and remember what you said enabling them to tell others and promoting your ideas. It’s a skill well worth developing and using in all of your communications.

A favorite saying is: Never tell a story without a point, and never make a point without a story! That’s a high bar, but when you meet it you’ll connect with your audience, land your ideas, create trust, and be more memorable.

Watch this brief video, and if you’d like support with your storytelling, pitching, and speaking, hit contact to set up a “discovery call.”

How John Bates blew his TED TalkBy JOHN BATES / ABOUT AUTHOR
Storytelling is the Key to Great Communication!

Storytelling is the Key to Great Communication!

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