The Value of Storytelling a la TED
There is a reason that TED talks move us all so powerfully!
TED put them up online when video-over-the-internet began, and the TED Format is what I call the “Original Format” – it is what works with human beings. That combination was so powerful that TED talks took over the world!
And you can harness that power yourself! The better you are at public speaking, the more effective and successful you will be, and the more your ideas will manifest in the world.
One of the most essential pieces of communication for everyone is the Origin Story. Along with my TEDx colleague Mark Lovett (see the podcast, below👇🏼), I believe that storytelling is fundamental to understanding and expressing our humanity. After your talk, the audience should see the world differently.
FREE Master Class: If you’d like to harness the power of your Origin Story in leading, selling, and influencing, I invite you to the FREE training I’m offering on January 27th: Please tell others in your leadership circle. It will be valuable and fun!