If you want to connect as a speaker, make it personal
A long time ago I decided against having a barrier between my work and personal lives. I was not interested in spending the majority of my waking hours with people I was purposefully keeping at arms length. I started viewing my life holistically; totally interconnected, and it has served me well, reinforced by my decade plus studying TED and other effective communication methods.
A TED-like talk has to be personal. I’ve realized over and over that if I want to truly connect with other human beings in any setting, then I must include something of myself in the offering. People are always more interested in anything I talk about when they understand my personal connection! What’s true for TED speakers, is true for you and your audiences, too.
When you share something personal and meaningful it makes your audience more likely to share something personal and meaningful with you. That is how human beings connect, collaborate and support each other most effectively; by being emotionally interested and invested in each other.
Watch my 40 second video. And, remember, no book reports!
Take us on an adventure, with YOU.
Find out more, here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/johnbates_we-reject-the-idea-of-bothering-you-during-activity-6860904642558226432-xa58
Watch Video: https://api.filekitcdn.com/e/3Y1c8TotHcn7YxKwKrgBFy/pJPYpV4YKbkFPX55Aqc9yo