Shoshin Means “Beginner’s Mind,” And It Saved Me From Myself 👈
Not too long ago, I got over my “monkey mind” (for the millionth time), and I am happy I did! In this one-minute video, I share that experience, explain the meaning of Shoshin and its importance in my life.
Here are two recommendations: First, put up a yellow sticky with SHOSHIN on it. Shoshin is a word from Zen Buddhism meaning “beginner’s mind;” having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and no preconceptions in the areas of your greatest expertise – to eagerly see the many possibilities a beginner’s mind sees, instead of the few that exist in the mind of the expert. It provides fulfilling and functional results!
And second, if you haven’t already, I highly recommend that you read the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. I knew mindset mattered, but the perspectives and stories she shares offer something very lucid, useful, and actionable.
Finally, the next Speak Like a Leader Experience begins February 3rd, 2022. There’s still time for you to bring shoshin and join us – as a recipient of my emails you get a nice 10% savings: