Insightful Vulnerability(TM) is the key to connecting
One of the most successful, famous and excellent public speakers in the world, Les Brown, told me, “People don’t connect with your successes. They connect with your messes. Your message is in your mess.” And, he didn’t mean to get up and whine about your mess, but rather to share the “mess” AND the lesson it taught you!
I call it Insightful Vulnerability™, one of the biggest keys to success. I find it inspiring when someone demonstrates Insightful Vulnerability, because it’s difficult to do. Over the years I’ve seen the inspiration, the connection, and the respect that Insightful Vulnerability™ can bring, however. So, I grit my teeth and share my messes and my lessons.
Important note: Authenticity is mandatory. And, until you’ve worked through it and gleaned the lesson –> the insightful part of Insightful Vulnerability, it might be too early to share your mess. Once you’ve processed the lesson, people will be inspired and moved when you share it with them.
In this 25-second video I give you a bit of my insight into this.
(PS –> I want YOU in this course with me, beginning January 19th, 2022. So, I’ve opened 4 of the 7 slots remaining for readers of my mini-training I’m giving you 10% off PLUS I’ll give you a FREE 50 minute on-boarding coaching call to help you get the most out of it. If you have questions or want to talk about it, email me back! Or, just go register here now, before they sell out: