Gossip is Corrosive, Impedes Success
The most corrosive force in any human organization is gossip. Any time human beings work together it is tempting to gossip. And, we often justify small amounts of gossip because “it’s not a big deal,” and “it’s just true.”
That’s like pouring acid on your own foot. It might make you feel like part of the “in-group” for a short time, but it’s long term effects are purely negative.
As a leader, it’s important not to let anything akin to gossip creep into your speech. Putting down competitors might be fun, but it’s better to speak of them as worthy adversaries. Remember, “they’re always mirroring you.” So, as a leader and a speaker you’re setting the example.
In this short video you’ll learn that gossip can become contagious and negatively affect your organization and your success.