You Chose To Be Where You Are, Doing What You’re Doing – Be Clear About That
Fork in the Road Moments. You are someone with options! So, you are doing what you’re doing because it is inspiring to you!
That was a big realization for me, and it took a major knockdown for me to get it. The dot-com company I co-founded turned into a dot-bomb. I was depressed about where I was in life. I thought things should be different, and I was tremendously unhappy – so much so that an autoimmune disease almost took me out!
As I looked back over my life, examining the inflection points where I could have done something different, I realized I actually wouldn’t change my decisions. I had ended up where I was because I had always chosen what inspired me the most.
That realization blew my mind. It helped me own where I was, and it gave me new inspiration to chart a path to something better. As I’ve worked with my clients over the past decade, I’ve seen it was the same for them. And it is tremendously empowering.
Getting clear on your Origin Story is important because It puts you at the source of your own inspiration – making you more inspiring to others.
Think about your “fork in the road” moments and look for the thread of common inspiration that goes all the way back to childhood. Then craft and share the story of why you do what you do! Watch this quick 2-minute video and then be inspired by YOU!